Then patients will trust the results more and NHS providers won't be able to ignore the feedback, as many do now, because they will be held to account - by patients and commissioners.
As usual, the BBC has asked for feedback, completely ignored the feedback and ploughed on regardless because Auntie BBC knows best.
Nice to see that you have ignored pretty much all the feedback you received with regards to this.
"It has its difficulties," Aiela answered, ignoring the feedback from his asuthi.
When I was tabulating the bills, Dictate did a good job of ignoring all the loud feedback from the rustling paper in my hands, and it also tuned out my girlfriend in the background playing the piano.
Don't ignore the feedback you get - act on it.
A New Homepage for BBC Online 12:16pm on 30 Nov 2011 Awful, you totally ignored my feedback on the Beta.
At 12:16 30th Nov 2011, Mark Jones wrote: Awful, you totally ignored my feedback on the Beta.