The book constantly admonishes fanciness when simplicity will suffice, and flourish that ignores basic principles.
Not to mention they didn't even have ownership of the copyright for which they were suing and filed suits ignoring basic principles of fair use.
"Funny," Llissa said bitterly, "how easy it is for people to ignore timeless principles when they don't serve their needs."
The Bush administration, ignoring basic constitutional principles, argues that because the detentions are military decisions made in wartime the courts have no authority to second-guess them.
In early cases, it was easier for plaintiffs to show market relationship, or dominance, by tailoring market definition, even if it ignored fundamental principles of economics.
The tax agency used a loophole at first, ignoring principles it established eight years ago for valuing fringe benefits.
Defendants' approach ignores two core and related principles of standing:
It ignored the engineering principles of Palchinsky and was also an obscene violation of human rights.
The only tactical choice, ignoring principles, was to fight the Tories on ground where Labour is stronger.
Ignoring long-established economic principles and empirical data to the contrary, they consider global trade a zero-sum competition among countries and a significant threat to American workers.