Stuart joins the group and ignores his friends who say he is joining a cult.
Says Rahim, when you are introduced to an important/rich person, do not ignore or forget your poor friends.
If the figure below be low, you will ignore your friends of former days in your future advancement.
I started to ignore my friends and relatives.
"When did we become a nation that ignores and berates our friends and calls them irrelevant?"
I'd pitched a 2,000-word "fiction" piece about a teenage girl who gets so caught up on getting into college that she ignores her friends and family.
He got up from his table, ignoring his friends who grabbed at his arms, trying to keep him there.
Kirk wondered how he could have ignored his friends for so long.
He could not ignore his friends above, though, no doubt struggling against those enemies he had left behind.
When it comes to forming our own tastes, the students generally tended to ignore their friends.