The jock said, "This idiot ran right into my side."
Any idiot can run for national office, sell his soul to the special interests, get beat up by the press . . . State and local control give you leverage.
A serious accident was narrowly averted when "an idiot" ran on to the track at the Cheltenham Festival.
You genuinely think this idiot should be running the Labour party?
Any idiot can run the time transport.
That idiot is running for president of USA?
Some idiot had run me over with his bicycle.
Three days ago I had to pick up a couple of grunts in the middle of desert ten miles south of here because the idiots ran out of gas.
Then, while I was hoofing back to the house to get my camper truck, some idiot in a big black sedan nearly ran over me-twice!
The idiot hastily ran forward and hung the bowl round his neck from the chain which was attached to it, and took the lance in his hand.