Yet admissions officers readily admit to using some kind of secretive and apparently idiosyncratic method of taking different kinds of backgrounds into consideration when using them.
Members of this group are named for their idiosyncratic method of movement (ebrius, "drunk").
A scathing report released in October by Andrew Edwards, a former deputy secretary at the Treasury Department, indicted the British Museum's management style and its idiosyncratic methods.
He was criticised for this by his stablemaster, the former ōzeki and noted technician Asahikuni, whose view was that by winning by his own idiosyncratic methods, he would be unable to cure his faults.
Trailing the industry abandonment of old-school film editing techniques, David configured Final Cut Pro systems that could emulate the Coens idiosyncratic method of editing in a digital realm.
In lieu of my making a caustic remark about Florida's idiosyncratic method of tallying (or not tallying) certain votes, insert your own joke here.
"Why does he leave notes in bottles and reach people via radio programs and--" "An idiosyncratic method of interpersonal communication," the robot answered as they put-putted back toward the staging center.
So the data they produce is often data about their idiosyncratic method of measuring things, and not necesarily pure data about the thing or phenomena they were supposedly measuring.
The family also had its own idiosyncratic methods of cooking.
His idiosyncratic methods of layering (a watery grid over a scratchy, linear cityscape, for example), mounting and bordering pages and even inscribing titles, gives each work a rich, objectlike sensuality.