In re-reading my notes from the lunch I find my experiences in wine tasting to yield far more idiosyncratic expressions than the excellent 100 point scale, a la Robert Parker.
Cape Breton speech also has some idiosyncratic expressions.
Private gardens, unlike botanical gardens or public parks, are idiosyncratic expressions.
Among the strip malls and split-levels, there wasn't much room for idiosyncratic expression, let alone punk-rock passion.
Her quirky style spills into dialect as well, with idiosyncratic expressions like "cosmic", "spacious" (in place of more mainstream options like "cool") and "weirdific".
The film argues that colonial presence has compelled African art to lose much of its idiosyncratic expression, in order to appeal to Western consumers.
Religions are viewed as idiosyncratic expressions of immutable and eternal values.
Due to its international traditions, the school has several idiosyncratic expressions, from both German and Hungarian.
It was a deeply personal, even idiosyncratic expression of sorrow and love.
Light verb constructions present the same difficulty associated with idiosyncratic expressions of every sort: the meaning is not compositional in a straightforward way.