Its author depicts the jungle from an ideological standpoint, which translates into his characters' development.
Author Eric Zillmer argues, that from an ideological standpoint, Dönitz was anti-Marxist and antisemitic.
From an ideological standpoint, Pérez's editorializations are still widely used by opponents of Puerto Rican independence to denounce what they perceive as the over-glorification of a minor revolt.
The charges against Communism made from a religious, a philosophical, and, generally, from an ideological standpoint, are not deserving of serious examination.
Individual attributions of guilt point to left or right often according to the ideological standpoint of the scholar - and, it must be stressed, the vision of history which this implies.
From an ideological standpoint, the poll suggests that Mr. Bush's efforts to shore up his conservative base this year have left him vulnerable among the voters in the center.
"Where's your ideological standpoint?"
On the other hand, we should desist from seeing aid policy only through lenses coloured by ideology, and from engaging in it from one ideological standpoint or another.
Foremost among them, at least from an ideological standpoint, are the 400 scholarships that Eastern bloc countries annually give to exiled members of the African National Congress, the outlawed opposition organization.
We have already seen that this is what happened to 'citizenship' in 1988: each of the major parties emphasised those features of the concept which, from their own ideological standpoint, they considered most important.