Granados' ideological organization still serves as a model, a quarter century later, for NPP educational efforts.
The Popular Front, he added, had gained acceptance as the authentic leadership body of the revolution and as the framework for consultations and the unifying force for all political and ideological organizations.
This would, in their view, bypass nation-states, corporate oligopolies, ideological Non-governmental organizations (NGO), political cults and mafias.
Kadettikunta (Corps of Cadets, the voluntary ideological organization of career officers)
Zablocki defines a cult as an ideological organization held together by charismatic relationships and the demand of total commitment.
Also during the mid-1980s he self-published several papers and lectures on libertarianism, styles of thinking, and problems of practicing the philosophy of individualism within the context of ideological organizations.
The series follows the attempts of Across, a "secret ideological organization," to conquer the city of Fukuoka as a first step towards world domination.
Critics of Alamein Kopu, however, did not see the party as a genuine ideological organization.
But in restricting the free speech of ideological organizations, the law goes too far.
With its limits on speech by ideological organizations just before elections, McCain-Feingold unconstitutionally turns this second impulse into law.