Literature, visual arts, music, and scholarship have complex relationships with ideological forces.
The theological tenet that whites were devils dressed up the evidence of experience with the ideological force of the white man's biological racism.
"The idea that you want to live where I live gives ideological force to the whole Arab alliance," he said.
Employers, by contrast, can call upon powerful ideological forces in our culture to legitimise their interests.
Too late, because as an ideological force the Communist Party is already long moribund.
The exhibits are full of individual detail, but the causes are abstract ideological forces.
Not considered an intellectual ideological force, Dziwisz isn't looking to shape doctrinal issues, insiders say.
The ideological force driving the new party was modernization, and opposition to the anti-modern threat of slavery.
In West Pakistan, the population was divided between different ideological forces.
What one thinks of life, power, and self, for Marx, is always a product of ideological forces.