Casting doubt on responsibility for September 11 has become a hallmark of ideological extremists opposed to the US and western policies.
African-Americans who have served on the federal bench have proved to be not ideological extremists, but respected jurists.
Britain is in the hands of ideological extremists to whom truth and morality seem to mean very little.
If they succeed, the Supreme Court, over the long term, could become just as much in the thrall of ideological extremists as the White House and Congress.
From the start, the candidates, who have reverse-image backgrounds and political philosophies, sought to portray each other as ideological extremists.
To the extent, moreover, that those opposing the nomination can be pictured as the real ideological extremists, Judge Bork's case is likely to be strengthened.
We had moved from the realm of ideological extremists into one of fanatics and killers.
Although Mr. Bawer labels Ms. Vaid "an ideological extremist," her idea is not very radical.
We want a credible campaign to reduce the threats to our lives and economy from ideological extremists.
The Europeanisation of our border controls has been done thoughtlessly, without preparation and under pressure from ideological extremists who consider the security of citizens to be less important than the great ideal of the new European Soviet Union.