It's a word that has taken on a lot of ideological baggage.
We have a lot to offer - good social values, generosity - and we don't carry the Americans' ideological baggage.
These were truths and remain so in spite of the fallacious ideological baggage with which they are mixed up.
Co-housing might seem to carry the ideological baggage of communes from decades past.
Perhaps they lacked the ideological baggage, or even the intellectual equipment, to recognize the type of mentality which lay behind the smiles and jokes.
Each is also saddled with political or ideological baggage that has contributed to the partisan divisions over how best to proceed.
But both countries can approach issues now without, or almost without, ideological baggage.
Indian movies also allowed for a new youth culture to follow without such ideological baggage as "becoming western."
The ideological baggage you packed into your question defies description.
The answer, say economists who carry the least ideological baggage, is both.