At that time most of them felt themselves to be Bulgarians, irrespective of ideological affiliation.
In addition to strong regional affiliations, ideological affiliations also are likely to come into play in the leadership fight.
Acquiring and applying those skills in no way depend on political or ideological affiliations.
The economy was clearly at the centre of the Caudillo's attention, and the accent was more on the practical qualifications of appointees than on ideological affiliations.
Twin studies have shown that genetics have a strong effect on both attitude formation, and receptivity to ideological affiliation.
Well elaborated scripts started to be written and intellectuals started to contribute and in fact some of them used comedy to defend their ideological affiliations.
Nothing is off-limits, nothing: sisters, mothers, wives, children, intelligence, physical appearance, sexuality, any kind of ideological affiliation, regional provenance, and, yes, race, are fair game.
The party officially describes itself according to its website as a centrism without any direct specific ideological affiliation other than occupying the centre of the political spectrum.
Venetians Movement (MV, no ideological affiliation)
Venetian State (SV, no ideological affiliation)