Their national identity seems to be fading fast.
In an era in which identity often seems no deeper than yesterday's home video, a dialogue with the dead has never been more essential.
Thus the identity between Zeus' prison-house and the pentemychos seems likely.
So we have the interior thoughts of a man whose profoundest identity seems to exist only through other people's eyes.
Those aren't their real names, of course," she added, "but true identities seem to be a luxury in our circles.
His identity seems to be something because it is recording this enormous number of impacts from the environment.
And if its existence is not ultimately in danger - which remains to be seen - its identity certainly seems to be.
His own identity seemed to fade away and he became a part of the communal life that surged around him.
There was little I could do to assuage it, as my real identity and purpose would probably have seemed just as incomprehensible!
His earlier identity as a knight seems to him as a dream.