The diagram can then be used to identify pathways for social acceptance for misbehaving students.
Furthermore, these biomarkers can help to understand the complex relationship between social status and health and allow to identify pre-disease pathways.
Dr. Richard Lifton of Yale predicted that in 20 years researchers would be "able to identify the genes and pathways predisposing to every human disease."
Identifying active pathways that differ between two conditions can have more explanatory power than a simple list of different genes or proteins.
The main value of genetic studies is they identify molecular mechanisms and pathways for further study and potential drug targets.
Background Gene expression profiles generally present signatures for cells at specific states, homeostatic or stressed, providing fingerprints critical in identifying regulatory pathways.
Many studies have tried to identify biopsychosocial pathways for the link between social support and health.
He identified pathways of inactivation of catecholamines in which a membrane transport protein and an enzyme are arranged in sequence.
Therefore the approach has the potential to identify genes and pathways not previously known or suspected to be involved in life span regulation.
This work attempts to identify the neuroendocrine, immune, and behavioral pathways that link stress, personality, and social networks to disease susceptibility.