It then identifies specific measures that countries use to mitigate them.
During Monday's protests, it was reported, the president had been meeting top aides to try to identify other cost-cutting measures.
The states must then identify best management practices and measures for those impaired sources, along with an implementation plan.
Identifying measures to assess the effectiveness of federal economic development assistance to empowerment zones and enterprise communities.
In this revision, we should identify measures as priorities only if we are certain they can be financed over a period of 10-15 years.
It is now a matter of identifying specific measures, as the honourable Member has just said.
This Conference will offer a platform to consider the issues related to wilderness areas in Europe and identify measures needed to ensure their conservation.
This group will be able to help identify necessary measures at Community level and encourage a common approach among the Member States.
We also need to identify measures for the farming profession which will create equality on the market.
The graduation can identify linear measures, such as inches or millimetres on a rule.