In the 2000 Act, the purpose of data matching is to identify potential inconsistencies that may indicate fraud or assist with the other permitted purposes.
We identified inconsistencies in the information, prompting the department to review its methodology for identifying late releases.
As they proceeded, they identified inconsistencies in the format, along with areas of misunderstanding among users.
The purpose of description capture may be simply to record and communicate process knowledge or to identify inconsistencies in the way people understand how key processes actually operate.
Modern reviewers have identified inconsistencies or errors in the material, based on later declassified records.
They also identified factual errors and inconsistencies in other books published by Boyer, leading to an increasing number of questions about the veracity of his work.
She said that her research had identified inconsistencies in registry requirements among the states, bolstering support for the federal standards.
We examined the survey results and performed computer analyses to identify inconsistencies and other indications of error.
In 1964, further study of the mineral identified inconsistencies between electron-density subtraction maps and the chemical evidence that abernathyite contains potassium.