To identify domains that are included in the Pfam families that have been identified, we searched the defined polytopic membrane domains for SWISS-PROT ID matches and regional matches.
To prevent users from visiting malware domains, editors work with McAfee SiteAdvisor and PHSDL to identify such domains.
In an attempt to gain further insight into the early evolution of the catalytic core of RNA polymerases, we sought to identify additional globular domains in β and β' subunits.
A number of online resources are devoted to identifying and cataloging such domains (see list of links at the end of this article).
These innovations result from identifying new domains created at the intersection of enablers or "unstoppable trends" and customer dynamics, linked to an essential set of core capabilities called the platform logic: those capabilities that are unique, valuable, and portable.
The SMART program also identified the IQ and coiled-coil domains and the location of the domains.
What is particularly interesting about these experiments is that they are all based upon the theoretical and philosophical framework Allison has devised, in which he has identified four 'interactive and interdependent' domains:
Domain analysis Analysis of Arabidopsis kinesins with domain analysis programs identified different domains in many of the kinesins (Figure 6and ( Table I).
The sequences showing homology to the motor domain were obtained from the Arabidopsis thaliana Database (AtDB) and analyzed using SMART (Simple Modular Architecture Research Tool, which identifies putative domains within the sequence.
The process of identifying domains, bounding them, and discovering commonalities and variabilities among the systems in the domain is called domain analysis.