Since the complex numbers can be multiplied giving another complex number, this identification provides a means to "multiply" vectors.
This identification of the problems provides the foundation for the solving of these endemic deficiencies.
The identification of such borders may provide insight into the causes, correlates and uncertainties in cancer incidence.
Furthermore, identification of the sources of happiness will provide a basis for understanding the duration of certain emotions in connection with particular events in life.
The identification of risk and protective factors provides the foundation for advances in preventing adolescent health and behavior problems.
The identification of the pattern provides knowledge and understanding of human experience.
He bore identification provided him by a woman who worked at the complex as a paramedical assistant, altered to show his face and EEG patterns.
Therefore, identification of the underlying genetic changes may provide further insight into the molecular basis of CC.
The identification of local plant communities provides a basis for their work.
The identification of a man from the Omaha area as a possible participant in the operation provides a potentially critical link in the investigative chain.