That identification led to her son, who is Annie Moore's great-nephew.
The identification of the ship led to significant public interest in the salvage operation, and caused a great demand for the objects which were brought up.
That identification led to the conviction; nearly two decades later, DNA evidence showed it was almost certainly wrong.
This bank will subsequently be used for pharmacological screening and identification of promising drug leads.
Such identification may lead the teen-agers to try to take their own lives, the researchers said.
This identification with others through compassion can lead to increased motivation to do something in an effort to relieve the suffering of others.
The identification of the molecules will lead to better therapies that are more cost-efficient.
But there are earlier actual cases, such the Prussian silver theft case where identification of the sand led to the thieves.
The identification of this need led to the creation of the Entrepreneurship Center.
Their identification led to an astonishing result.