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We would like to emphasise the fact that implicatures are pragmatic aspects of meaning and have certain identifiable characteristics.
Or if chocolate made from the beans grown in one country had consistently identifiable characteristics, even when the manufacturers differed.
A mode of variability is a climate pattern with identifiable characteristics, specific regional effects, and often oscillatory behavior.
Because the house was expanded from and existing structure, there are no identifiable Swedish characteristics.
Photobacterium can be distinguished from other genera based on identifiable characteristics.
It is based principally on morphological characteristics readily identifiable in the field.
Missionary work is a fundamental principle of the church and has become one of its most readily identifiable characteristics.
His most identifiable characteristic is his habit of chain smoking Camels.
Historically, saisons did not share identifiable characteristics to pin them down as a style, but rather were a group of refreshing summer ales.
When the Man in Black is seen by all the teenagers, he has no identifiable characteristics.