Defend it the hierarchy does, by saying that women can serve in ways just as valuable but not identical.
The combinations of these and other materials are so vast that I've never known two nurseries to pack their plants in identical ways.
Danish monastic life was to vanish in a way identical to that of Sweden.
The human Soul seems to be always in some way, how we do not know, identical with God.
Use of insanity as a concept dates from 1324, and its criminal application was used until the late 16th century in an almost identical way.
Do the various yeasts perform in an identical way?
There are several laws which describe the transport of matter, or properties of it, in an almost identical way.
The term preferences is used in a variety of related, but not identical, ways in the scientific literature.
Although given a new designation, they are in all ways identical to the T1-1s.
"We've been somewhat limited in the past by the mass media, which gave us all identical ways of talking to consumers," he added.