(echoing an identical statement made earlier on the street by Namond about Monk's money).
Yet in each instance no identical statement appears in the more than 40 hours of taped interviews.
After the shootings, both factions declared in almost identical statements that the reservation was "on the brink of civil war."
Of course almost identical statements were being made in the early 1980's when network comedy was in a dreadful slump.
The European Central Bank released an almost identical statement to explain its action.
A virtually identical statement followed the committee's meeting in early July.
On the list were two identical statements, in column form, near the bottom: One flat-topped table.
Top officials made nearly identical statements saying that everyone agreed on the return but that implementation was difficult.
That dissention ended last week when both men issued identical statements to reporters.
"I do not expect the two sets of standards will necessarily produce totally identical financial statements," he wrote.