The first step is to replace the male leaders of the major powers with identical replicas, dedicated to their masters.
An absolute, identical replica of himself, down to the cleft chin and the small brown birthmark on his left thumb.
At the time of the sinking, an identical second replica was under construction in Tainan.
With the matter duplicator, exactly identical replicas of anything could be produced.
We'll supply the Convention with a body, an identical replica cloned from your own.
A near identical replica of the woman in his dream.
Within seconds he'd been transformed into an identical replica of himself, the kind of perfect effigy that would appear in a wax museum.
"We aim to create an absolutely identical replica," says Urs Duggelin, the company president.
It was an identical replica of the one they had found on the Kalandan station.
Silently, the three identical replicas approached, their hands outstretched and their faces resolute.