These differences are all the more remarkable because the novice driver trainees possessed an almost identical profile, differing only in terms of degree on each of the traits.
The heads have nearly identical cutting profiles so that each will form an array of adjoined, side-by-side "half dowels".
Zopiclone although molecularly different from benzodiazepines, shares an almost identical pharmacological profile as benzodiazepines including anxiolytic properties.
Simon voters had an almost identical ideological profile: 26 percent called themselves liberals, 49 percent said they were moderates and 22 percent were conservatives.
The Vega 2 balloon had an almost identical profile.
The probability of identify (also known as the random match probability) is the probability that two individuals selected at random will have an identical genetic profile.
For example, Kevin Millar goes by the name Kyle Morgan as evidenced by their identical profiles including number, height, weight and attributes.
Those who left the region altogether showed a nearly identical profile: 59 percent were white, 28 percent black, and 6 percent Asian.
Parked side by side on a lawn, they wore the same hue of burgundy paint and they struck identical profiles.
If the crime scene bullets and the suspect's bullets turn out to have identical profiles, they claimed it was a virtual match.