However, at £14,860 this Polo costs an eye-watering £4,090 more than a petrol equivalent with near identical performance.
Although the media exhibited nearly identical performance to the 3 -inch disks of the time, they were not successful.
I could have gotten pretty much identical performance from a less expensive i5.
However, for field use the 470 Capstick and .458 Lott should have identical performance because the differences between them are rather small.
Thus, there is no advantage of either measure because of nearly identical performance on actual expression data (Figure 2a).
The two types of guns differed slightly in construction, but had identical performance.
Essentially, this allows virtual machines to run at identical performance as the host OS is.
The guns had identical ballistic performance, but differed in construction.
They had nearly identical performances, schedules, and costs.
Both have the Mussorgsky for coupling in identical performances.