A third identical frame, also signed, is in the Getty Museum in Los Angeles.
Modest in scale compared to Sherman's later cibachrome photographs, they are all 8 1/2 by 11 inches, each displayed in identical, simple black frames.
A. It may seem logical to create a precisely aligned row of 8-by-10-inch photographs, in identical frames and all at eye level.
Not long ago, I drove to the area around Newberry Street to price an identical frame, aiming to determine the accuracy of his estimate.
All episodes except for Part 0 have two identical frames containing a hidden piece of some puzzle.
A destination should receive, in the fault-free state, two identical frames within a certain time skew, forward the first frame to the application and discard the second frame when (and if) it comes.
She gave Tamara an identical frame.
All the photos are verticals, printed exactly the same size and presented in identical dull-metal frames hung in a single line around the room.
Every novel with the exception of one had an almost identical frame.
But genes gave Eli and Peyton their size, an almost identical 6-foot-5 frame holding 220 or 230 pounds.