The trackball has been replaced, the hardware keys were tweaked, and the shell is slightly different, but they have nearly identical internal components.
Of the Cobra, two basic versions have been developed, using identical automotive components:
They have the same limitations on serviceability as laptops, and can rarely use identical components to a desktop computer.
This is achieved by halving the impedance of the series components and then putting identical components in the return leg of the circuit.
In electronics, a back-to-back connection is the connection of two identical or similar components in series with the opposite polarity.
Karen Cahow lobbed an identical component to him.
With the exception of the game box and rule sheet (which require regional translations), identical components are used in each version of the game.
Ten identical components are each tested until they either fail or reach 1000 hours, at which time the test is terminated for that component.
Both of which run off identical components, with any performance differences attesting to the individual products design.
They were identical down to the last centimeter, as if made all at the same time, from identical components, by identical workmen.