These experiences may be summed in some sense but can only approximately be shared, even among very similar cognitions with identical DNA.
He has also been mentioned as having hollow bones, a lack of white blood cells, and DNA identical to his teammate/rumored father, Longshot.
An animal with identical mitochondrial DNA.
"Would you say that perhaps half a dozen people in this courtroom have identical DNA?"
The twins have identical nuclear DNA.
Each member has a distinct personality, regardless of their identical DNA, which allows for specialization amongst the group.
In this version, although they were cloned from identical DNA, they did not look the same.
Although under normal circumstances all somatic cells contain identical DNA, they develop a variety of tissue-specific characteristics.
These gaps decentralized the idea of identical DNA throughout an organism.
Cutting is characterized as a cloning method, since the derived plants have identical DNA to the "mother plants".