Wetlands that filter water bodies and provide wildlife habitat are ideal additions.
Guy V. Molinari, the borough president, called it an ideal addition to "strengthen the small-town qualities of Tottenville."
John Jay, who had been dealing with a cantankerous European monarchy, seemed an ideal addition to the commission assigned to negotiate with Great Britain.
So a sweater is an ideal addition to whatever you are wearing.
Growing to about one inch in length,rasbora maculata is a very peaceful species that is an ideal addition to a community environment.
A system might even contain a clock and a sleep timer, making it an ideal addition to a bedroom or dorm.
An ideal addition to the experimental design in Figure 1bwould be several direct comparisons of the mutant strains.
After their initial problems were solved, they proved to be fast runners and an ideal addition to the motive power roster.
Other witnesses, however, described the judge as a distinguished jurist who would be an ideal addition to the Court.
Theyre an ideal addition to your portable or home stereo system.