An old idea that the community assume a security role has also resurfaced here.
When the idea resurfaced in the 1950's, the price tag was $100,000, which seemed out of reach.
The idea resurfaced in 2006 when the union began to start producing video for their website.
The idea, long since abandoned, has only recently resurfaced.
In the 1930s, the idea of using the property for a school briefly resurfaced, but was abandoned.
Post-modernist ideas resurface from time to time in the book.
The plans were abandoned later that year due to lack of funding for the mergers, however the idea has resurfaced many times.
And so the ideas of building fences rather than bridges have resurfaced.
Since then, in periods of intense violence, the idea usually resurfaces.
So old ideas that have been discussed a thousand times resurface.