These ideas, pioneered in this country by Maxwell Jones, among others, were in part the outcome of studying the mental hospital as a social organization.
The idea, pioneered by the South's Super Tuesday, is to move toward sectional primaries, with each region of the country to have its own month of exposure to national candidates.
Its initial product was the Link Newswire, which introduced link journalism, an idea pioneered by P2 co-founder Scott Karp.
A lot of women, though, chose the unexpected, opting for the novel idea, pioneered by the designer Bill Blass, of little nothings cut from daytime wool or tweeds.
SEMs are a relatively new idea, pioneered in 1999 by a small company called E-Security, and in 2010 are still evolving rapidly.
Senge summarized many of the ideas pioneered by Innovation Associates in the 1980s in The Fifth Discipline, which he published in 1990.
According to ideas pioneered by a French mathematician, Dr. Benoit Mandelbrot, fractal patterns manifest themselves throughout nature.
In Italy a shortage of coal led the steel industry to specialize in the use of hydro-electrical energy, exploiting ideas pioneered by Ernesto Stassano from 1898.
The DFV was designed to be fully stressed (an idea pioneered by the Lancia D50).
These things were all due to the gyroscopic effect of the flywheel; any tumbling was corrected by simple pendulum (an idea pioneered by Robert Whitehead).