Vanderlinden attempted to renew the game, but it was not until after his relief that the idea materialized.
An idea floated after the fair to use the floor for the World Trade Center didn't materialize.
Subsequently, he announced plans to start a new studio in California, but such ideas never materialized.
It is where the ideas from market and product development materialize into a final, polished product.
Materializing inside a locked cell, where everyone would be expecting him, had not struck anyone as a good idea, least of all Finlay.
The idea for the school materialized in 1993.
But few think these ideas will materialize soon.
"The idea will materialize, but it remains a question of how."
They planned to expand the site into a full interactive game, but those ideas never materialized.
Without a sure, strong, well-knit hand the ideas of the greatest artists could never have materialized.