But one idea had now crystallized, as clear as the nearby waters of the Rift.
The year was 1926 when the idea crystallized with the establishment of Hanoar Hatzioni.
Hilliard's idea for a ball park crystallized after he moved to Vernon in 1989.
We know you have her," Janeway said, and as she spoke, several ideas crystallized in her mind.
This brilliant idea, my best of the century so far, crystallized two weeks ago in Madison, Wis.
The idea crystallized in Hubbard's mind.
An idea crystallized that was so incredibly simple in concept he couldn't believe he hadn't thought of it before.
The idea that he was alive crystallized the need to let him know that we were trying to help him.
Patients have been known to report that the idea of taking an overdose had not crystallized in their minds until they received a prescription from their doctor.
Just then a vague idea which had hovered in his brain all day crystallized into decision.