The idea of revoking authority for the war has circulated on Capitol Hill for weeks without gaining much ground.
The idea of a moratorium on Iraqi antiquity sales has been circulating among experts for a couple of days.
Various ideas for the form that such a government should take have been circulating among Palestinian groups in recent weeks.
Several ideas have circulated about setting up an independent review board.
However, the idea had already circulated through "Most Beautiful Child" contests held in major cities across the country.
Moreover, ideas and assumptions circulate in disguised and concealed forms, once they have achieved a certain currency.
The production of food was growing; so was population, and trade; new ideas were circulating in the Mediterranean.
Whatever ideas of deposing Mary were tentatively circulating in the summer of 1559, it would have been an immensely dangerous step to take.
Perhaps similar ideas circulated in her mind.
Many different ideas circulate regarding what is considered a "successful" outcome in the recovery from addiction.