But when it comes to more iconic species, a newly published study by an international team of experts is as worrying.
But it's a discussion that needs to be had: was a natural disaster without an icon a disaster for iconic species?
And not because they are dull - they are not, often focusing on some of the world's most beautiful, iconic, unique or interesting species.
The Tasmanian Devil, another iconic species hunted to the brink of extinction was protected in 1941.
While threats to iconic species stimulated the public to act the conservation movement took some time to grow.
It is an iconic species that could boost tourism.
Instantly recognisable, tigers are the iconic Asian species.
Instead, we're treated to a succession of presentations by the black rhinos, the park's iconic rare species.
The unit was created in 1977, with the aim of telling stories of New Zealand's most iconic and endangered species.
The iconic species have suffered a dramatic decline of more than 50% over the past 50 years.