However, their iconic phrase became famous three years earlier in "Last Will and Temperament" from their Frantic Times album.
A chain email of the story even cropped up as it was forwarded around the internet using the iconic parodied phrase "Dude, you're getting a cell!"
The novella's iconic phrase, "One sees clearly only with the heart", is believed to have been suggested by Reinhardt.
Although previously in common usage it became an iconic phrase of support following the 2010 Canterbury earthquake.
The iconic phrase is attributed to Stewart Brand.
Some people may have scoffed at Ms. Beamer's attempt to trademark what will be - or what has already become - an iconic American phrase.
Brunner also created Fonzie's iconic phrase, "Sit on it," used by Fonzie as a comeback on the show.
An excellent example is his iconic phrase "God is dead", in German: Gott ist tot.
He is credited with coining the iconic phrase "Atomic Age" which became popular in the 1950s.
(He is responsible for such iconic phrases as "the good-enough mother" and "transitional object.")