There is a complete reversal of the normal iconic imagery of nuclear weapons.
This inherent difference in the belief systems is also reflected on the iconic imagery of the two traditions.
For example, look at the problems when depicting realism within Islamic art that was overcome by the use of iconic and geometric imagery.
Baizley's artwork is very intricate and detailed usually consisting of iconic imagery, warm colors, and esoteric elements.
Smart is one of Australia's best known artists with his almost iconic and unique imagery, heavily influenced from various artists and art forms alike.
Known for his iconic black and white imagery, he had an extended career, primarily as a fashion photographer, spanning more than three decades.
Luck is a connecting thread and a personal touchstone here, symbolized by a witty combination of iconic and idiosyncratic imagery.
Superman's cape was not the only iconic imagery used during the third season.
In the paintings of the weaver, the composition focuses primarily on the loom and the weaver, in nearly iconic imagery.
He took the ideas and then took other ideas and related to the ideas, and it just was really iconic imagery.