A thick ice mantle more typical of Kuiper belt objects may have been blasted off during the impact that formed the Haumean collisional family.
It is not known whether Tethys is differentiated into a rocky core and ice mantle.
The only way we're going to get inside the wreck is by melting the ice mantle.
They are thought to be part of its extended collisional family, which formed billions of years ago from icy debris after a large impact disrupted Haumea's ice mantle.
Ganymede appears to be fully differentiated, consisting of an iron sulfide-iron core, silicate mantle and an outer ice mantle.
Brown believes it is likely to be a collisional fragment of Quaoar, which he speculates lost much of its ice mantle in the process.
The largest Uranian moons may be internally differentiated, with rocky cores at their centers surrounded by ice mantles.
Each section of the gravity emitter array had to be calibrated every day to compensate for the expanding and contracting ice mantle of Jupiter's moon.
The moon's ice mantle glinted a grizzled oyster as distant sunlight skittered over its smooth surface, throwing off the occasional dazzling mirror-flash from an impact crater.
The ice mantle has for long overlapped the edges of the continent, unable to grow bigger without breaking off.