The man grabbed her, but she was slippery and powerful with hysterical strength.
The reason she managed to fight off the bear is thought to have been because of a phenomenon called hysterical strength.
He climbed with hysterical strength in the only possible direction: up.
He'd been using controlled hysterical strength, though not all of it.
The hysterical strength he'd used to crush the Corl's wrist came with a price.
Suffering no pain, they could use hysterical strength for the most mundane tasks.
He grabbed the leg and with half hysterical strength, aided by the suit, ripped it off.
She coughed again, then grabbed Chris by the collar, lifting herself with hysterical strength.
With a burst of hysterical strength, I dragged the rest of my body free.
It had taken Brion over two years to find a way to tap the sources of hysterical strength.