This will impose major demands on the democratic publics in the West to support the necessary sacrifices and on their leaders, especially in America, to rebut hysterical calls for military action.
These defendants, like Pedro Astacio, have often been arrested in cases where the police respond to hysterical 911 calls and arrive to observe bruises and, often, worse injuries.
I got a hysterical call early this morning from Jenn saying you'd drugged and raped her.
Late in the afternoon of the third day after that first Fall, an almost hysterical call came in from Wade Lorenzo of Sadrid in Macedonia Province.
The agency has been deluged by sometimes hysterical calls about Lyme disease from the public and physicians.
This morning Mr. Darden finished his argument, one highlighted by another familiar audiotape: Mrs. Simpson's hysterical call to 911 in 1993.
Voluntary Testing Supported Mr. Waxman condemned what he called hysterical calls for mandatory testing and quarantines.
Though many felt compelled to rescue their parents, several baldly stated that they deeply resented the "hysterical calls in the middle of the night," the incessant ruminations about "the same old stuff."
"I would get home and there would be hysterical calls on the answering machine," she said.
A hysterical call to industrial warfare meant the Boxing Day stoppages deflated a much-needed retail boost Continue reading...