In a normobaric hypoxic environment, common materials cannot ignite or burn.
Mountaineering rebreathers provide oxygen at a higher concentration than available from atmospheric air in a naturally hypoxic environment.
Anoxic bacteria could be used as competitors or predators in hypoxic environments within tumors.
This does not preclude the dangers of hypoxic environments for premature infants.
The blood contains hemoglobin, which is unusual in such small animals and seems to be an adaptation to anoxic and hypoxic environments.
This may give them a proliferative advantage over other cells while in hypoxic environments.
Arterial Oxygen saturation under hypoxic environment of high altitude associates with routines physical activities of natives.
This pattern of necrosis is typically seen in hypoxic (low-oxygen) environments, such as infarction.
Carbon dioxide is also used to create a hypoxic environment for carbonic maceration, the process used to produce Beaujolais wine.
Many hypoxic environments never reach the level of anoxia and most fish are able to cope with this stress using different physiological and behavioural strategies.