These largely hypothetical structures would contain a variety of residential, commercial, and agricultural facilities and minimize individual human environmental impact.
There is a hypothetical intermediate, or transition structure, that corresponds to the structure at the top of the energy barrier.
As such, the valid, hypothetical structure of a syllogism comprising one's emotional reasoning can be symbolized as follows:
Lashley's research was an attempt to find the parts of the brain that were responsible for learning and memory traces, a hypothetical structure he called the engram.
For further information on the hypothetical linear structures believed by some astronomers to exist on Mars before 1964, see Martian canals.
One factor in this is that much human language growth is based upon conceptual ideas and hypothetical structures, both being far greater capabilities in humans than animals.
He also bases much of his hypothetical structures on results of genetics.
A pre-cell is a hypothetical lipid-based structure that, under the RNA world hypothesis, could have confined RNA in ancient times.
Santelli and colleagues (Fig. 10) also built a hypothetical structure of the membrane-inserted PA/CMG2 structure.
Other astrophysicists said the dimensions seemed small for the kind of hypothetical structure out of which galaxies might have fragmented.