The latter hypothesis postulates a direct interaction between amphetamine and the dopamine transporter transporter.
The third hypothesis postulates that parts of the Veneti were assimilated by the Germanic tribes while the rest became Slavs.
This modified hypothesis postulates that all living things have a regulatory effect on the Earth's environment that promotes life overall.
This hypothesis postulates that an infectious viral agent is the cause of the disease.
The latter hypothesis postulates that the observed atmospheric flows are only a surface manifestation of deeply rooted circulation in the outer molecular envelope of Jupiter.
The mnemonic-accumulator hypothesis postulates that the parietal lobe holds a memory strength signal, which is compared with internal criteria to make old/new recognition judgments.
At the cellular level, this hypothesis postulates that abnormal branching of neurons occurs during embryogenesis.
This open-loop hypothesis postulated that movements required attention only for initiation of the first action (Schmidt and Lee, 2005 p. 165).
Initial hypotheses concerning environmental conditions postulated that the highland climate was more hospitable in the past.