Another hypothesis has posited an additional fifth gas giant in an orbit between Saturn and Uranus.
Instead, the configurational hypothesis posits that a sufficient portion of an idiomatic word string must be processed literally before the idiom is identified.
(The Augustinian hypothesis posits that Mark and Luke used Matthew, so once again triple-tradition material would have originated in a single source).
According to Gardner, this hypothesis posits that light rays travel in circular paths, and slow as they approach the center of the spherical star-filled cavern.
These hypotheses generally posit an interaction with the force of gravity on fetal position and movement, as demonstrated by the following examples:
This hypothesis posits that adoptive succession is thought to have arisen because of a lack of biological heirs.
Scientists who accept this hypothesis have posited that dinosaurs possessed one of two advantages: a highly mobile, upright stature or an endothermic physiology-warm-bloodedness.
Most hypotheses favored by interested geologists posit that strong winds when the mud is wet are at least in part responsible.
One hypothesis posits that these figurines had magical significance, and were intentionally fashioned from wet clay so that they would explode when fired.
Usually the hypothesis posits the existence of a deceptive power that deceives our senses and undermines the justification of knowledge otherwise accepted as justified.