Some hypotheses include a gourd and a castor oil plant.
Early hypotheses included fission from the Earth, capture, and co-accretion.
Although the reason for this difference in risk is unknown, possible hypotheses include X-linked or recessive inheritance.
Other hypotheses include the possibility it was a fruit eater.
These hypotheses include kin selection, pay-to-stay, signals of prestige, and group augmentation.
Additional hypotheses include extra-terrestrial impacts, disease, and even a supernova.
Other hypotheses have included an etymology that would define the tragedy as an ode to beer.
The hypothesis here included a sudden death by a plague that was sweeping through the city or another natural death.
Some hypotheses include the inability to compete with other species for food, infections and diseases, and poaching.
Other hypotheses include that the boat became stuck on a sandbar near George Point, where the boat's last radio message was made.