He could not find any way to reduce the number of hypotheses-he became perplexed by the role and source of hypothesis generation within scientific practice.
All of scientific inquiry, from hypothesis generation to study design to drawing conclusions, is a highly subjective and sociologic process.
These findings, coupled with our understanding of the unique sociodemographic characteristics of this region, have the potential to serve as a source of hypothesis generation as regards the association between higher socioeconomic status and breast cancer.
Unlike standard, Darwinian-type evolutionary computation methods that use random or semi-random operators for generating new individuals (such as mutations and/or recombinations), LEM employs hypothesis generation and instantiation operators.
There is considerable evidence, for example, that in addition to any bureaucratic, psychological, or political biases that may affect hypothesis generation, there are also factors of culture and identity at work.
Additionally, psychologists make extensive use of the three modes of inference that were identified by C. S. Peirce: deduction, induction, and abduction (hypothesis generation).
Yet if the field of psychology has taught us anything over the last century, it is that common sense, although a valuable wellspring for hypothesis generation, is woefully ill suited for the systematic testing of hypotheses.
As such it incorporates functionality such as end-pointing, partial hypothesis generation, dynamic language model switching and so on.
"This truly is dogma, rather than hypothesis generation and testing," Dr. Hellman wrote in his 1993 paper.
Topics and issues in ethnoentomology, with some suggestions for the development of hypothesis generation and testing in ethnobiology.