What really matters is an attempt to limit a hypothesis, derived from a theory, and to see how far it can withstand rigorous testing.
In particular, qualitative methods are widely used as exploratory methods; the results of qualitative analysis are used to design quantitative research which tests null hypotheses derived from the qualitative observations.
So Realists could suppose that hypotheses, derived from a theory got by generalizing from observation, could straightforwardly be tested against the observed facts of an independent world.
A hypothesis derived by some of their sages, after secretly combining wolfling mathematical incanta- tions with Galactic science.
Secondly, much of the evidence presented in the editorial (and this letter) is based on hypotheses derived from models of invasion and metastasis that may bear little relation to the function of metalloproteinases in vivo.
This is a big problem because this can only be done on the basis of hypotheses derived from simpler, observation-connected bits of language, which admit multiple interpretations, as we have seen.
Hammond's postulate, also referred to as the Hammond-Leffler postulate, is a hypothesis, derived from transition state theory, concerning the transition state of organic chemical reactions, which states that:
Their longitudinal analysis of seven hundred Mexican, Puerto Rican, and Cuban immigrants followed from 1990 to 1995 finds broad support for hypotheses derived from the classical account of assimilation into American society.
Seth burdened his mind with hypotheses derived at fourth or fifth hand from classical case studies; I ignored the lot and played by ear, so to speak.