This hypothesis asserts that chimpanzees were only bipedal when they ate.
No conclusive evidence has yet emerged in support of this contention, however, and opposing hypotheses asserted the creature was simply a misidentified, yet common to the area, West Indian manatee.
Another hypothesis asserts that the disease may be caused by age-related myelin breakdown in the brain.
This hypothesis asserts that every perceptual act is determined and constituted by the entire web of beliefs of the individual (in fact, by his whole culture).
The hypothesis further asserts that the Holiness Code was subjected to editing by the priestly source.
The hypothesis asserts that r * xy in any window is approximately equal to a constant.
The null hypothesis, H, asserts that the defendant is innocent, whereas the alternative hypothesis, H, asserts that the defendant is guilty.
One hypothesis asserts that the southern clouds are formed when heightened levels of sunlight during the Titanian summer generate uplift in the atmosphere, resulting in convection.
The third hypothesis asserts that females settle for polygyny because it is hard to find unmated males.
The hypothesis of complete spatial randomness for a spatial point pattern asserts that: the number of events in any region follows a Poisson distribution with given mean count per uniform subdivision.