Downton was okay, but this time I missed the hypnotic music; the duster and shutter affair.
The lighting, for a start, and the soft, hypnotic music.
Popol Vuh's "hypnotic music" for Aguirre met with considerable acclaim.
During the fight, Spider-Man discovered that Hypno-Hustler's headphones protected him from his own hypnotic music.
Kethry started; she'd been staring at the fire, more than half mesmerized by the hypnotic music three of her Liha'irden "cousins" had been playing.
But it was an appealing distortion, giving his hypnotic music a raw, electric quality.
Or do you follow the line of Dr Thomas Tosser who assumes that they've all been brainwashed by hypnotic music.
The beat of their tiny wings was a hum of almost hypnotic music, a counterpoint to the pounding blood in Mark's throbbing temples.
He might as well dim the lights, crank up the hypnotic music and flood the zone with dozens of servers.