About two weeks after my last hypnosis session, the three of us returned to the cabin for the first time since Christmas.
Before going on, though, it might be wise to examine those last few minutes of the hypnosis session in some detail.
The night after that hypnosis session I became aware of an almost palpable presence before me.
Vanishing was easier, but it would stick me with another hypnosis session.
She was reasonably certain he might recall that from the hypnosis session.
The consensus in the crime unit immediately after the hypnosis session was that Ray had put one over on them again.
"So what do we make of this hypnosis session?"
For many of the patients described in this report, the initial hypnosis session took approximately 45 minutes.
Twenty-one patients were lost to follow-up following an initial hypnosis session.
The cough resolved within 6 weeks after the first hypnosis session for an additional four patients.